React Native Learning Roadmap

React Native Learning Roadmap
Full Roadmap

After working with React Native for around 4 years professionally and teaching more than 40 students to make them familiar with react native through my devskill course, I have come up with a basic roadmap to learn React Native.

**Obviously there is no fixed/straight roadmap for learning any technology, but I hope my professional and teaching experience on react-native can help someone who is starting with react-native.

Roadmap breakdown

Topic based learning + Project based learning

I have divided the whole road map into 2 main parts. They are the following:

  1. Project based learning – With this, you get to work on real projects and learn by building stuffs. (ToDo app, Booking App, Journal App etc)
  2. Topic based learning – With this, you focus on specific topics and understand the topics very well with hands on exercises. (JavaScript, React, Core React Native, Navigation, Global state management etc)

Topic based learning

I have pointed out some of the topics that are very important for anyone who is starting with React Native. So these topics need extra learning and focus.

Main topics

I have tried to list down the topics that need to be covered in order. So anyone who is starting with React Native they can follow the topics in this order.

  1. Environment setup
Environment setup

2. JavaScript & ES6:

Before we get into React & React Native, it’s best that we have the basics of the language. Otherwise we may get stuck a lot and loose our motivation to continue the journey. The sections that I have included here inside JS & ES6 can be found in freecodecamp learning map.


3. React

Great, now we know the language that we will need to use in order to write our application. We can now jump straight to React Native or we can learn the fundamentals of React before we move to React Native. React native is based on the fundamental principles of React. So we can first get the idea of the React which will later help us working with react-native easier.


4. React Native

With all of the above, we are ready to jump into React Native.

React Native

Project based learning

Besides learning the specific topics the most effective way is to learn through building real projects. In this way our learning will last long with us and we can start to grow as a professional react native developer. In all my courses, I try to build three projects with the class. I try to include the topics in the projects in proper order. So that we learn step by step. The three projects idea can be the following

  1. First Project – Focusing on UI
first app

2. Second project – Focusing on functions of the app

second app

3. Third project – Imitating a real world project as much as possible

3rd app

That’s all, I believe if someone who is starting with React Native finishes this roadmap, they will be in a very good shape to start their journey with React Native professionally .


  1. Zinia Sultana

    The described roadmap seems like a good one indeed. I hope react native lovers will do better following it. Thank you.

  2. Md Sakib Al Islam

    Very great description, very thoughtful of you. Hope for the best saad vai. ( from programming hero class )

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