Level up as a React Native Developer

Recently I gathered my courage and asked straightaway the following question on Reddit. “How to level up as a react native developer?” and I am so glad that I asked, I have got lots of important suggestions and useful guidelines. Here is my attempt to document the discussion in a blog post. Before going to discuss each point, let me just illustrate the list in one diagram to have a clear idea beforehand. skill that might be helpful for your career growth. Native Module The most common skill that has been mentioned in the discussion is to have the skill of creating native modules…

Implementing a dynamic “Terms & Conditions” screen in React Native.

We all know the common user experience of going through a terms & conditions page. User needs to scroll down to the bottom to enable the submit button and only after that, they can proceed. We will try to build a small demo of the same experience in this post. First, let us see the end product to get a clear picture of what we are trying to achieve. Full demo From the demo, we can point out a few key areas that need to be tackled to implement this behavior. First we need to detect if the user has…