One line description

Daily Taskinator is a productivity tool which helps the users to live a balanced life.

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How it looks

A bit more on this

Okay, this is more than just a to-do listing app. A little bit more on this.

As Muslims, our daily routine needs to be very balanced and moderate. Every day we might work so much but at the end of the day, we might mark the day as very unproductive. We need to put the focus on all the main areas of our lives so that we can lead a balanced life.

This app is pretty straight-forward. It is a TODO app. However, it makes you lead a balanced life every day. Arrange your daily routine with Islam, Family, Work, and Personal tasks in this app. Once you have a combination of these 4 areas in your life you will be able to lead a much more fulfilling and productive life in shaa Allah.

My role

This is my first side project which I finished from scratch to production. It started initially as a learning project when I started my journey with react native.

I am so proud of this product not because it is some sort of fancy work but because I did finish this all on my own. I did the design, backend, app, blog! Even though I did not expect others to use it after deployment but to my surprise, it has now 5k+ downloads, a lot of positive feedback, and a lot of future plans!

I will add more on this soon!